This weekend two Tinned Pineapple crafters headed off to Cincinnati for
HorrorHound Weekend! It's the second one we've been to, and like last year it was awesome! All three of us are big fans of everything horror and geeky. There are lots of celebrities to meet and get autographs & photos with, some panels and movie screenings, fans in costume, and tons of dealers and vendors everywhere you look. We were extremely inspired by all the awesome handmade art and crafts we saw everywhere there, and we're looking into getting a booth for Tinned Pineapple at the next weekend in Columbus, which is in March. I think we'll fit right in! Here's some of the pictures I took during our weekend away!

I love how many of the fans who attend HorrorHound dress up. I've been to plenty of scifi and anime and comic book conventions, so I'm used to seeing that, but is pretty awesome. We should have done costumes too, and I'm not sure why we didn't think of that. I love doing geeky costumes myself and getting dressed up for cons! Next time, I guess! This con had an after party at a water park, and people didn't even take their costumes off for that! There were people in full makeup going down the lazy river, including the above pictured Fester (with character appropriate bathing suit!), whose light bulb DID light up when he put it in his mouth! The picture on the right is me about to be killed by Jason! He must have liked me though, because he decided to let me go. :)

The Ghostbusters fandom was well represented at the convention too. The Cincinnati Ghostbusters team was there with all kinds of movie props they had made themselves. Several actors from the Ghostbusters movies were there signing autographs and taking photos with fans, and there was even a giant inflatable Stay Puff'd Marshmallow Man! The picture to the right is Tinned Pineappler Jess and her husband Mike talking to the lady who played Slimer in the film! To the left is a picture of Ernie Hudson (who I personally loved in Congo...with Tim Curry!). This guy was AWESOME! Not only did he actually wear his Ghostbusters costume to sign autographs and take photos, but he was also crazy amazing nice to all the fans he met! He spent time actually talking to the fans and was super nice the whole time. In the picture he's signing a doll of himself that Mike won out of a "broken" claw machine here in Pittsburgh. Ernie even commented on how soft the doll's hair was. :) Below is, well, I'm sure you can tell what it is for yourselves. We were all thoroughly dorked-out. Especially Mike.

Yay! It's me and Jason! And I'm wearing a Jason shirt! And I believe I have Jason on my necklace there! Kane Hodder was one of the reasons this con was amazing for me. He was awesome. I love him in all this stuff besides Friday the 13th too, especially Hatchet and his cameo in Frozen. Adam Green films are pretty sweet. But I had Kane (and Tom Savini) sign a Jason mask, and I supported Kane's charity
Scares That Care and got a cool rubber bracelet that says "I Helped Kane!" And then he went behind me to get the picture, and I assumed he was doing some kind of killing me pose. But my friend Maria who was taking the picture commented on how nice it was, and I'm glad she did or I would have made a scared face for the final shot. Haha. It ended up being really nice indeed, and I love this picture of me with my favorite horror character!

And the next couple pictures are also very self- gratifying for me. I looooove meeting celebrities, especially ones whose work I actually enjoy. I got to meet several actors this week who are in movies I really really love. The first picture here is me and Brian O'Halloran, from many of Kevin Smith's movies. He's also a very genuine and kind person (he even complimented Maria's shoes!), although I'm still not exactly sure why he was at a horror con...

The next picture is me with Doug Bradley, aka PINHEAD from the Hellraiser movies! I'm known to get kinda starstruck around celebs I like, but I was doing pretty well at this con until I met him. I don't even know why, but I was just so excited to meet him I could hardly answer his questions. He was a really good sport about it though, and he wrote "See you in Hell" on my picture! :D
And lastly the group that I was probably most stoked about was the four actors from Pet Sematary that were there! That was one of the first horror movies I ever saw, and it really got me into scary things of all kinds. Plus it scared the hell out of me! When I told Dale Midkiff (on the left, he played Louis Creed) that he scared me as a child, he apologized then gave me a hug! LOVE! Also, Brad Greenquist (left, played Victor Pascow) was definitely in my nightmares for quite a while. This movie was the reason I had to sleep with a nightlight on when I was little. They were also super nice to me and I got great autographs from them with quotes from the movie!
So, now that we're back and all pumped about horror stuff from the con, I think we'll be churning out quite a few scary inspired items for
Steel City Con, which is just in a few weeks! I'll probably be checking out final details about vending at the March con this week, and I'll surely let you know here if we decide to go for a table at that one! I hope all you horror-enthusiasts out there enjoyed this special theme post! Happy nightmares! :)