Welcome to the Tinned Pineapple blog! 3 crafters, 1 can of fun! Specializing in upcycling, repurposing, and general geekery!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tinned Pineapple member bio: Isn't That Something?

If you aren't already aware, Tinned Pineapple is comprised of three independent crafters who have joined forces to help each other create, advertise, and sell quality handmade products.  Because of this, we each have our own etsy accounts, making it slightly confusing to link to a joint site.  But never fear, Tinned Pineapple is currently creating a way to link to all three shops PLUS a joint site we have in the works.  In the joint shop, you'll find some awesome items that have resulted from the ideas and craftsmanship of all three members of Tinned Pineapple: Ringa of Isn't That Something?, Althea of Salvaged Expression, and Jess of Remember That Line!  We have a big announcement coming up soon, so be on the lookout for that!

So today I'm going to spotlight one of the three Tinned Pineapple members, and you can look for posts on the other two soon!  And of course, the most logical person to start with is myself!  :)

So hello blog world!  I'm Ringa, and I'm generally the one who writes these crazy little blogs.  So when you read one, just picture the crazy girl pictured here with the big smiley cat!  Or maybe don't...

Some quick facts about me:  I'm a writer and a crafter, and as of right now those are my full time professions.  Just doing writing as a freelance thing at the moment, but I have a screenplay in the works and am finishing up my chapbook manuscript.  Tinned Pineapple is going to be my full time job very soon, though, hence all my endless promotional harassment on every social media outlet available!  :)  When I'm not doing those things I do odd work at several different local theatre companies.  I tend to stage manage, but I've been known to do all manner of things including acting, directing, writing, sound design, prop master, set building, run crew, poster and program design, etc.

My favorite kinds of crafting at the moment are paper arts including decoupage and all manner of things that involve me getting my hands covered in glue.  My cats love when I'm doing glue work also, because they can just run through it and track little kitty glue prints all over the house!  I do crochet, but have kind of taken a break from yarn work in favor of jewelry and some upcycling of vintage items.  Last spring I had a line of painted and decoupaged jewelry boxes that I repurposed, and that went over so well I'm planning on doing another set.  And you'll be the first to know about it as long as you're subscribed to either our facebook or twitter!

As far as my role in Tinned Pineapple, we don't have official titles for each other, but I guess you could call me the PR & marketing director of sorts.  I'm basically the one who constantly is posting things and encouraging you all to hit the follow button or come out to visit us at our shows.  I'm also the one who books the shows/fairs/fests/cons that we do, so if you're having a crafty event that needs vendors, let me know!

A few extra useless tidbits about me-
Favorite movie: Three Men in a Boat!  (if you don't know this movie, try to find it!  you'll understand much more about "Tinned Pineapple" after seeing it!)
Favorite book: Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne
Favorite musician: Morrissey
Favorite vacation spot: England and Halifax
Favorite TV show: Lexx
Favorite color: black
Favorite actor: Tim Curry <3
Favorite author: Oscar Wilde
Favorite cheese: muenster or brick
Favorite liquor: whiskey all the way!!!

And here is my shop!  Happy browsing, and thanks ahead of time for looking!

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